The New York State Education Department has several mandates in place with regard to music education.  They are:

  • All students in grades 1-6 must receive a certain amount of music throughout the school year
  • Over grades 7 and 8, all students must be able to complete 1/2 unit of study in music
  • Over grades 9 and 12, all students must be able to complete 1 unit of credit in the arts in order to complete the requirement for a Regents Diploma (this unit can be in music, visual arts, dance, or theatre)

Please note that our current choral and instrumental programs are NOT mandated.


General Music Class - Every student receives classroom music taught by a certified music teacher.

Band - Students have the option to participate in the band program in grades 4 & 5.  They also receive group lessons.  This is all taught by a certified music teacher.

Chorus - Students have the option to participate in the choral program in grades 4 & 5.  This is taught by a certified music teacher.

Middle School
General Music Class - General classroom music, taught by a certified music teacher, is provided for grade 6 and as an option to complete the 7th/8th grade 1/2 unit of study requirement.

Band - Students have the option to continue to participate in the band program.  There is a 6th grade band and a 7th/8th grade band.  Students also receive group lessons (this is a pull-out from another class).  This is all taught by a certified music teacher, and is an option for the 7th/8th grade 1/2 unit of student requirement.

Chorus - Students have the option to participate in the choral program.  There is a 6th grade chorus and a 7th/8th grade chorus.  This is all taught by a certified music teacher, and is an option for the 7th/8th grade 1/2 unit of study requirement.

High School
General Music Class - No offerings at this time.

Band - Students have the option to continue instrumental studies by participating in the 9-12 grade band program.  They also receive group lessons (this is a pull-out from another class).  This is all taught by a certified music teacher, and is an option for the required unit of credit in the arts for a regents diploma.

Chorus - Students have the option to participate in the 9-12 grade choral program.  They also receive group lessons (this is a pull-out from another class).  This is all taught by a certified music teacher, and is an option for the required unit of credit in the arts for a regents diploma.